Académie Internationale de Préhistoire et Protohistoire


First Proceedings of the International Academy of Prehistory and Protohistory (AIPP)

The volume contains the papers given at a symposium organized by the International Academy of Prehistory and Protohistory at the Institute of Human Paleontology in Paris, on June 3, 2023.

The chosen theme “Determinisms in prehistoric societies: climate change, environments, functional constraints and cultural traditions” is part of the project “Human societies in the face of climate change” supported by the International Academic Union (UAI).

The volume is freely accessible on the website of our publisher Archaeopress at the address:

Twelve presentations were given face-to-face and remotely the 3 of June 2023 :

1. Henry de Lumley

Evolution du climat au Pléistocène inférieur et premier peuplement de l’Europe

2. Francis Thackeray

Quantification of morphological variability expressed by a “log sem” statistic in the context of human evolution (Australopithecus, Paranthropus and early Homo)

3. François Djindjian

Cultural changes in middle and upper European Palaeolithic: from cultural historical typology to process analysis

4. Martin Oliva

L’évolution culturelle et l’interprétation des données. Quelques exemples.

5. Lioudmila Iakovleva

Cultural Changes in the upper Palaeolithic of Eastern Europe: the influence of climate change

6. Jacek Kabacinski

Exploring the life of Central European hunter-gatherers: research on Polish Mesolithic peat-bog sites

7. Mehmet Özdoğan

Cultural Changes during the Transformation of Neolithic Way of Living from Anatolia to Balkans

8. Chris Scarre

Megaliths, islands and mobility in Neolithic Northwest Europe

9. Hans Gebel

The Rajajil Cultures: Socio-Economic and Cultural Evolution Reacting to Climate Change in Northern Arabia (4500-3500 BCE)

10. Svend Hansen

Research on Technological and Social Innovations in Prehistory. New Perspectives for Archaeology

11. Dolores Piperno

The Past (and Future?) of Our Crop Plants and Their Wild Ancestors in Changing Global Environments: Developmental Plasticity and Maize Evolution

12. Kristian Kristiansen

Institutions and their transformation from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BC in temperate Europe: environmental, linguistic and genetic implications

The publication was supported by two complementary contributions by Eszter Bánffy and João Luís Cardoso.

Symposium 2024

2024 Symposium and General Assembly of the AIPP

The second symposium of the International Academy of Prehistory and Protohistory will be held in Poznan (Poland) on 30 September 2024 at the premises of the Polish Academy of Sciences, at the invitation of our colleague Jacek Kabacinski. The symposium 2024 is open to those present physically. The symposium will also be accessible online for all those who wish to listen to the presentations and participate in the discussions.

The general assembly of the Academy will take place on October 1st from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The general assembly is reserved for members of the Academy, present physically or online.

Le deuxième symposium de l’Académie Internationale de Préhistoire et de Protohistoire se tiendra à Poznan (Pologne)  le 30 septembre 2024 dans les locaux de l’Académie polonaise des Sciences, à l’invitation de notre collègue Jacek Kabacinski. Le symposium 2024 est ouvert aux personnes présentes physiquement. Le symposium sera également accessible en ligne pour tous ceux qui désireront écouter les communications et participer aux discussions.

L’assemblée générale de l’Académie aura lieu le 1er Octobre de 10h à 13 heures. Elle est réservée aux membres de l’Académie, présents physiquement ou en ligne.

Symposium 2023

Minutes of the first AIPP symposium and the AIPP General Assembly 2023

Compte-rendu du premier symposium AIPP et de l’assemblée générale AIPP 2023 

The first AIPP General Assembly took place on June 3, 2023, at the Institute of Human Paleontology (IPH) in Paris, hosted by our colleague Professor Henry de Lumley.

La première assemblée générale de l’AIPP s’est déroulée le 3 Juin 2023, à l’Institut de Paléontologie Humaine (IPH) à Paris, accueillie par notre collègue le Professeur Henry de Lumley.

On June 2nd, the AIPP organized a symposium open to the general public in the IPH amphitheater, the program of which was as follows:

Le 2 Juin, l’AIPP a organisé un symposium ouvert au grand public dans l’amphithéâtre de l’IPH, dont le programme était le suivant :

10 h     Introduction by the President

10h10/10h 30

Henry de Lumley : « Evolution du climat au Pléistocène inférieur et premier peuplement de l’Europe »


Francis Thackeray : “Quantification of morphological variability expressed by a “log sem” statistic in the context of human evolution (Australopithecus, Paranthropus and early Homo)”

11h -11h30

François Djindjian : “L’importance du déterminisme climatique dans l’évolution de l’Humanité »


Martin Oliva : « L’évolution culturelle et l’interprétation des données. Quelques exemples ».


Lioudmila Iakovleva : « Le Mézinien: un exemple d’adaptation climatique et culturelle aux steppes froides des zones pléniglaciaires d’Europe orientale: Etat actuel des recherches, discussions et interprétations »


Jacek Kabacinski : “Exploring the life of Central European hunter-gatherers: research on Polish Mesolithic peat-bog sites”


Mehmet Özdoğan : « Cultural Changes during the Transformation of Neolithic Way of Living from Anatolia to Balkans »


Chris Scarre : « Megaliths, islands and mobility in Neolithic Northwest Europe »


Hans Gebel : « The Rajajil Cultures: Socio-Economic and Cultural Evolution Reacting to Climate Change in Northern Arabia (4500-3500 BCE) »


Svend Hansen : « Research on Technological and Social Innovations in Prehistory. New Perspectives for Archaeology »


Dolores Piperno : « The Past (and Future?) of Our Crop Plants and Their Wild Ancestors in Changing Global Environments: Developmental Plasticity and Maize Evolution »


Kristian Kristiansen : « Institutions and their transformation from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BC in temperate Europe: environmental, linguistic and genetic implications »